Tricosian Powder, Huile de Cachmere, etc.

As someone with a “countenance of moderate pretensions,” I can see the allure of some of these products …         


                             TRICOSIAN POWDER.
   For rendering Red or Grey Hair and Whiskers a beautiful
                                   Black or Brown.
THIS POWDER, which is a very curious dis-
covery in Chemistry, will be found, upon trial, much
superior to every preparation now offered for these purposes;
it is perfectly innoxious both to the Hair and Skin; indeed it
is of service to the Hair, for it promotes its growth, and in-
vigorates its texture. It is so perfectly safe for the Skin or
Clothes on which it happens to fall, and so infallible in its
operation that the dark tint, which is produced in a few
hours, cannot be obliterated by any process whatever. Price
3s. per box.
This Lotion communicates to the Skin a delicate fineness
of texture, and juvenile freshness, and renders a countenance
of moderate pretensions irresistably attractive, protecting it
from the inclemency of the atmosphere and the ravages of
time. Price 2s per bottle, or twelve in a case for £1.
                           HUILE DE CACHMERE,
for preserving and improving the Hair, promoting its growth,
preserving it from falling off or turning grey, and restoring
it in those parts which have become nearly bald.
Price 2s. per Bottle, signed by the Proprietor, J. SINNETT.
                          SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS.
This excellent Depilatory is perfectly safe in the application
and certain in its effect. Price 3s. and 5s.
Or Imperial Vegetable Powder for the Skin,
(A peculiarly elegant preparation of the beautiful Azalœa).
Communicates to the Skin the most brilliant and natural
fairness, and possesses this pre-eminent excellence, that it
cannot be discovered by the most scrutinising observer.
Price 2. per package, Six in one 10s., or Fourteen for £1 1s.
Sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. SMITH’S, 74, Marlbo-
rough-street, and Shaw’s, 8, Bachelor’s-walk.


Source:  Freeman’s Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser (Dublin) Tuesday 22 April 1851

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