Image: Portrait of Madame Récamier, by François Pascal Simon Gérard
TO obviate the unpleasant sensation experienced by
those Ladies who may have SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS
growing on the Face or Arms, and to render their persons more
lovely and attractive, was the chief motive that induced the
Proprietor of ALFRED’s ROYAL COMPOSITION to sub-
mit that important Discovery to the test and Patronage of the
Female World. How far he has succeeded in the attainment of
his wishes is best shewn by the numerous applications which
continue to be made from the most distinguished in the higher
circles for rank, beauty, and fashion. This Composition (which
was first prepared for the late Queen of France) not only re-
moves and eradicates all Superfluous Hairs from the Face and
Arms, but renders the Skin more delicate and fair, giving to the
complexion and features a new portion of loveliness and attrac-
tion. The Proprietor finding a considerable increase in the
sale, has relinquished the Retail Branch, and appointed the
Composition to be sold in packets, at 5s. 6d. and 2s. 9d. each, by
Messrs. Gattie and Lea, No. 52, New Bond-street; Davison and
Son, No. 59, Fleet-street; Kieth, No. 30, Haymarket; Bowman,
No. 102, Bond-street; Vickery, Tavistock-street; Cryer, No.
68, Cornhill; and Elliott, Perfumer, Rathbone-place. Whole-
sale by Berry and Main, Greek-street, Soho.
Source: The Morning Chronicle (London), Tuesday 9th March 1802