Beetham's Corn & Bunion Plaster

A la fenetre It’s interesting that this advert uses the phrase “worth a guinea a box.” This slogan was plastered everywhere in the second half of the 19th century, advertising the famous Beecham’s Pills. Mr Beetham wasn’t necessarily copying his near-namesake, however. The phrase was around before Thomas Beecham adopted it in 1859, so the satisfied customer who is supposed to have coined it could easily have picked it up from other adverts. Dr Walter De Roos was using it for his Renal Pills as early as 1851, and it also appeared in Kaye’s Wordsell’s Pills ads during the 1850s.

(Image: A la fenêtre, from L’Illustration, 21 Nov 1857. Courtesy of Old Book Illustrations.)


the   most   wonderful   production   of   the   age.    It
astonishes  and  delights  all  who   use   it.  However
long you may  have  been  tormented  almost  instant
relief  will  be  experienced.  It  also  reduces  the  en
largement  of  the  great  toe  joints.  During  the  last
fifteen  years  nearly  20 000  persons  have  acknow
ledged its efficacy, many of whom have  pronounced
it to be worth  a  guinea a  box.  Sold  in  packets  1s
Boxes   2s   6d,   equal   to   three   packets   4s   6d
equal to  six  packets,  sent  free  for  11,  34  and  58
postage stamps by the proprietors BEETHAM & CO
Chemists to the Royal  Family,  Cheltenham,  and  by
their  Agents  Mr  D  STEEL,  Chemist,  29   Hanover
Street Edinburgh  Glasgow  MURDOCH BROTHERS


Source: The Edinburgh Evening Courant, Monday 11 March 1867

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