Image: Daguerreotype of the Duke of Wellington in 1844
Cashing in on the Duke of Wellington’s death in order to sell fart pills quite frankly seems a bit distasteful to me:
VERBUM SAT.—Our Immortal Wellington
clearly died from an attack of Indigestion. All who
suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cardialgia, Eructations, Fla-
tulency, Torpidity of the Bowels and Liver, should take BELL’S
ANTI-PRANDIUM, or DIGESTIVE PILLS, prepared with the
purest drugs, and the test of many years’ extensive use in private
practice. They may be depended upon as a safe, effectual, and price-
less remedy.—Sold only by Gifford and Linder, chemists, &c., 104,
Strand; and Messrs. Blake, 47, Piccadilly. Price 2s. 9d. per box. By
post for a 2d. stamp.
Source: The Daily News (London) Saturday 11 December 1852