Butler's Vegetable Restorative Tooth Powder

Le Baume d'Acier by L L Boilly

Image: Le Baume d’Acier by Louis Leopold Boilly. Courtesy of the US National Library of Medicine.

of TEETH, may be preserved to old age, by
TIVE TOOTH-POWDER, a specific for the Tooth
Ach, and its cause, the Scurvy in the Gums.
Of the Properties of this Tooth-Powder.
Its detersive property is just sufficient to clear
away those destructive particles of acid which ge-
nerally adhere to the Gums, and in the interstices of
the Teeth ; healing soreness in the former, and pro-
moting a new Enamel of pearly whiteness, where it
has been injured or corroded.
These distinguishing Characteristics of its sanative
effects and superiority have procured it the unbounded
approbation of the Queen, the Princesses, the Em-
press of Russia, the Duchesses of York, Bedford,
Gordon, Devonshire, Rutland, Lees, and most of the
English and Foreign Nobility, many of whom recom-
mend it with admiration, as a necessary appendage
to the Toilet: it imparts a firmness and beautiful
redness to the Gums–to the Breath the most de-
lectable sweetness, and if used constantly as direct-
ed, will render the Teeth firm and white, and pre-
vent the Tooth-ach from returning to those who
have been liable to its most baneful effects.
Sold by Mr. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, corner of
St. Paul’s, London, in boxes at 2s. 9d. each, duty
included; also, by Mrs. Jones, at the Office of this
Journal, Spiers, Butler, Munday, and Slatter, Tre-
achers, and Merrick, Oxford; Mercer, Abingdon;
Norton, Henley; Marshall, Wycombe; Loggin,
Aylesbury; Beesley, Banbury; and most Medicine
Venders and Perfumers in every Town.


Source: Jackson’s Oxford Journal, Saturday 18th Feb 1815 

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