Patent medicines
The tragic story of Ching’s Worm Lozenges
.. What is any self-respecting quack to do in the face of criticism? The answer in 1804 was exactly the same as it is now – turn nasty and threaten to sue the arse off everyone. The name ‘Ching’s Worm Lozenges’ might suggest that this will be an icky-parasite post, but in a way […]
Read MoreOmega Oil
The Omega Oil company, which had London and US branches, had its work cut out to get the product noticed among pages of attractive pictorial adverts. But get noticed they did. The constant flow of new designs together with the unique selling point – It’s green – helped create a long-lasting brand. And there […]
Read MoreWhitehead’s Essence of Mustard
WHITEHEAD’S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD. —– CHILBLAINS are prevented from breaking, and their tormenting itching instantly removed, by WHITEHEAD’s ESSENCE of MUSTARD, universally esteemed for its extraordinary efficacy in Rheumatisms, Palsies, Gouty Affections, and Complaints of the Stomach; but where this certain remedy has been unknown or neglected, and the Chilblains have actually suppurated, or broke, […]
Read MoreThe Bloom of Ninon
DELICACY of Complexion.—The incomparable BLOOM of NINON DE L’ENCLOS, superior to any thing yet discovered for rendering the skin soft, smooth, and beautiful in the extreme. Its wonderful effects in removing freckles, morphews, worms, &c. justly entitle it to that preference so long bestowed on it by the most elegant beauties in this kingdom. It […]
Read MoreMcAlister’s All-Healing Ointment
McALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT OR WORLDS SALVE Has been an old family nurse for the past twenty years, and known all around the world as the most soothing and healing ointment in existence. McALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT Never Fails to Cure. Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Ulcers, Small Pox, Sore Nipples, Mercurial Sores, Erysipelas, Carbuncles, Corns, Bunions, and all […]
Read MoreDr Velpeau’s Magnetic Love Powders
WANTED! An industrious and strictly honest man in each County in the State to take orders by samples for Velpeau’s Magnetic Agents. Salary first year $800, and small commission, payable monthly. For full particulars address Dr. M. Velpeau, 422½ Broadway, N. Y., sending stamp. Source: The Sauk County Standard, (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 18 July 1855 —————————————————————————————– This […]
Read MoreLardner’s Prepared Charcoal for the Teeth
FOR Beautifying and Preserving the TEETH.—LARDNER’s superior prepared CHARCOAL, so much recommended by the Faculty for its safe and antiseptic properties, for cleaning, preserving, and making the teeth beautifully white, in boxes at 2s. and 2s. 9d. each; and Mouth Solution, for curing the scurvy, bracing the gums, preventing the tooth ach, and unpleasant breath, […]
Read MoreEde’s Patent American Eye Liquid
EDE’S PATENT AMERICAN EYE LIQUID CURES Eyes! which Ache with tears that’s shed, Eyes! which Bloodshot overspread; Eyes! which Cataracts oppress, Eyes! which Dimness too distress; Eyes! which Evening fogs soon blight, Eyes! which Fever weakens quite; Eyes! which Great depression gives Eyes! which Health enfeebled leaves; Eyes! which Inflammation show, Eyes! which Jaundice spoils […]
Read MoreGordon’s Vital Sexualine Restorative
STRENGTH, VITALITY, MANHOOD. A Valuable Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion, Loss of Strength, Mental Depression, Exhausted Vitality, and all special diseases and weaknesses of man; their causes, and means of cure. This book not only contains valuable remarks on how to preserve strength and retain the powers to an advanced age, but points out the best […]
Read MoreThe Pure Drops of Life
Source: The Morning Chronicle, 27 August 1803 THE PURE DROPS of LIFE; or, Vegetable Extract, prepared only by T. M. Lucas, V.D.M. Road, near Bath. Sold, by special appointment, at Messrs. H. and W. Humphries, No. 87, Fleet-street; No. 2, Haymarket; Mr. G. Long, No. 13, Great Newport street, Long Acre; Mr. Tabart, 157, New […]
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