Clarkson's Specific for Bad Legs

Leg Wound, Carl August GrossmanAnother very long advert today. Thomas Clarkson was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, but his method of cure, which isn’t named in this ad, was a patent medicine by the name of Clarkson’s Specific for Bad Legs. Initially, Clarkson treated the afflicted in person, but because this often meant they had to find lodgings near his home for weeks on end, he soon began selling the remedy so that people could treat themselves. He also provided “Tonic Aperient Pills” to maintain general health.

Mr. Clarkson’s career as a General Practitioner lasted 53 years. In 1885 the Hospital Gazette and Students’ Journal reported: 

“At the last meeting of the Council, the name of Mr Thomas Clarkson, of Darley, Ripley, was struck off the roll of the College because he declined to discontinue advertising a sovereign remedy, which he professes to have discovered.”


Image: Physician attending to a leg wound. 18thC, exact date unknown. Carl August Grossman. Courtesy of the US National Library of Medicine.


                       NO   CURE   NO   PAY
      MR.    CLARKSON,    SURGEON,    engages    to     Cure
a   Disease,   oftentimes   considered    incurable,    of   however
long  standing;  and,  to  enhance  the  value  of  the Cure,  Mr. C.
is enabled to give instructions which will make  it  a  lasting  cure.
Mr. C. guarantees not to make any charge without a perfect cure,
a convincing proof that  he can  infallibly  cure  the  Disease.  The
Disease  is  what  is called a  BAD  LEG, an old wound, mostly a
little   above   the  ancle.  Mr.  C.  could  give  fifty  cases  of  extra-
ordinary cures, after  the  most eminent Surgeons, and even Hos-
pitals  and  Infirmaries,  have  failed:  he  gives  a  few  Cases  as
   1st. Miss Netherwood, of Silsden, has had a  bad  leg, and was
in despair some length of time. Mr. C. has cured her.
   2nd.   Mr.  John  Ayrton,  of   Manningham,   near  Bradford, has
been afflicted with a bad leg  or  old  ulcer  for a  long  time, trying
Surgeons,  Quacks, and  all things.—Mr. C. cured  him in a month.
   3rd.  Mr.  W.  Waterhouse, carpet   manufacturer,  of  Dewsbury,
has had a very  bad  leg  for  some  time.—Cured  in three weeks.
   4th.  Mrs.  Gill,  of   Hampsthwaite,   near  Harrogate,  has  been
sorely  afflicted  for   ten   years;   her   health  had  become  much
impaired  from  constant  pain and  irritation.  Four years ago she
was  eight  weeks in  Leeds  Infirmary  without  relief.—Mr. C. has
cured her.
   5th. Miss  Eliz.  Binns, of Felliscliffe,  near  Harrogate,  suffered
17 years. Ten years ago one Surgeon  wanted  to  cut  her leg off.
Several surgeons  and a Physician gave  partial  relief. She  was
three  times  in Leeds  Infirmary, and the  last  time was discharg-
ed incurable.—Cured in seven weeks.
   Copy of a letter received by  Mr. C. from  a Gentleman, a  Spirit
                   Merchant, at Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield.
   SIR,—You   have  earned  my   lasting  gratitude and respect for
the  wonderful  cure you have performed of my  wife,  in  5  weeks,
after enduring  pain  and  misery  for 17 or 18 years, with  a  large
wound  near  the  ancle,  and  trying   the   most   noted  surgeons
without   avail—despairing    of   relief   from   medical   aid,  until
seeing your advertisement  in the Leeds Mercury. Since the cure
she can rest at nights, and her health is now as good as  I  could
wish.  May  you  receive  the  reward   your   merit  entitles you to.
You  are at liberty  to  make  what  use  you  like  of  this  letter.   I
hope you will publish it.—I remain, Sir,
                        Yours sincerely,                        JOSEPH PARKIN.
    These, and near 100 more  that  Mr.  C.  has  cured,  have  inva-
riably   enjoyed  better  health  since  the cure than before.  Inquire.
                               All Letters must be pre-paid.
     Address—Mr.  Clarkson,  Day-house,  Darley,  Pately   Bridge.
   Mr.  C.,  being  a   duly  qualified  Practitioner, may be consulted
without  Fee  at  Mr.  Butler’s,   No.  10,   Commercial-Court,  Brig-
gate,  Leeds,  on  the  last  Tuesday  in  every Month, from  11 to  2.
   Mr. C. may also be consulted on any other Case.


Source: The Leeds Mercury, Saturday 16th March 1844

Note: The spelling ancle is used in the original.

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