Image: Whiskerandos, by John Leech, 1854.
Courtesy of the John Leech Sketch Archives from Punch
THE TESTIMONIALS daily received by Miss DEAN
establish the fact that CRINILENE is the only preparation that
can be perfectly relied upon in producing those acknowledged orna-
ments of manhood in three or four weeks, with certainty. It is emi-
nently successful in nourishing, curling and beautifying the Hair, and
checking and preventing greyness in all its stages, strengthening weak
hair, preventing it falling off, &c. For the reproduction of hair in
baldness, from whatever cause, and at whatever age, it stands unri-
valled. One trial only is solicited to prove the fact. It is an elegantly
scented preparation, and sufficient for three months’ use will be sent
post free, on receipt of Twenty-four Postage stamps, by MISS DEAN,
48 Liverpool-street, King’s-cross, London.
Source: The News of the World, Sunday 23 March 1851