Cross's Gout and Rheumatic Pills

goutThis remedy was not widely advertised and I don’t have much information about it, but I like the way the typography is laid out in the original, so have tried to reproduce it as far as possible, within the limitations of WordPress formatting. There will be more from The Western Mail soon, as it’s an excellent source of medicine adverts. Knowing that the paper is still very popular I just looked up its website and found the really “interesting” headline: Pregnant Torchwood Star Eve Myles has Creme Egg cravings. Good to know it remains at the cutting edge of journalism.

Image: Grandpapa’s Torments by J. T. Wilson, 1845. Courtesy of the US National Library of Medicine.



That Chills, Colds, Neuralgia,
Toothache, Faceache, Headache
Rheums,    Tic   Doloreux,   Sciatica,
Pains  in  the  Limbs,  Loins,  Joints  etc.,
Gout, Ague and numerous other Symptoms,
Are all  Affections  of  a  RHEUMATIC  NATURE,
A n d    m a y   b e   q u i c k l y   C u r e d   b y   taking
C R O S S’ S   G O U T   A N D   R H E U M A T I C   P I L L S.
The  MAGICAL  EFFECT  of  which, in  giving  Tone to
The Stomach, Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys, Freeing
The System of all HUMOURS, SWELLINGS,
And inducing a Normal Circulation
CURRENTS, is Astonishing.

It  is   in   consequence  of  the  almost  INCREDIBLE  Reputation
they have Gained in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, as may be   testified
by numerous  Testimonials  in  the  possession  of  the  Proprietor,
that   he   is   encouraged   to  make  them  generally  known to  the
British Public.
Price 1s. 1½d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per Box.


To be had of
or of any Patent Medicine Vendor.

Source: Western Mail (Cardiff) Monday 18 Dec 1871

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