Various proprietory corn plasters were available, and were not greatly different from the treatment you could get from a reputable surgeon. Samuel Cooper, in his The First Lines of the Practice of Surgery (1813) recommended making a plaster from 2oz. Gum Ammoniacum, 2oz yellow wax and 6 drams of “verdigrease.” He said this composition was “said to be infallible,” – that word seems to go hand in hand with corn remedies for some reason.
THE Proprietor of this most excellent Remedy
THE Proprietor of this most excellent Remedy
is so certain of its efficacy, having never failed in a va-
riety of cases, agrees, if it does not eradicate the Corns, root
and branch, to return the money.
It will, on application, take off the inflammation, in a few
hours; and destroys effectually the malignity, without the
least hazard. Printed directions sealed up with it.
This is the celebrated Plaister that gained so much reputa-
tion in Germany; and has been sold in London upwards of
fifty years, with the greatest reputation.
Price 1s. 1d½ the box, duty included.
Sold wholesale and retail, by T. Axtell, No. 1, Finch
lane, near the Royal Exchange; and retail by Mr. Southern,
No. 27. St. James’s-street; Mr. Catermoul, No. 376, Oxford-
road; and Mr. Day, Tavistock-street; and at Bath, by Rolo-
mon, Wade’s Passage.
and branch, to return the money.
It will, on application, take off the inflammation, in a few
hours; and destroys effectually the malignity, without the
least hazard. Printed directions sealed up with it.
This is the celebrated Plaister that gained so much reputa-
tion in Germany; and has been sold in London upwards of
fifty years, with the greatest reputation.
Price 1s. 1d½ the box, duty included.
Sold wholesale and retail, by T. Axtell, No. 1, Finch
lane, near the Royal Exchange; and retail by Mr. Southern,
No. 27. St. James’s-street; Mr. Catermoul, No. 376, Oxford-
road; and Mr. Day, Tavistock-street; and at Bath, by Rolo-
mon, Wade’s Passage.
Source: The Times, Thursday 12th January 1792
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