Jackson's Asthmatic Candy

In Autumn 1800, the proprietors of this remedy, J. Barclay & Son, who had taken over the patent in the 1780s, found it necessary to change the name to Barclay’s Asthmatic Candy. According to them, the death of Mr Jackson had “afforded an opportunity for unprincipled persons to assume his name, to put off their pernicious compositions.” The product remained on sale for at least another 60 years.

I don’t know the exact ingredients of this one, but similar medicines for chest complaints contained ipecahuana, sugar and licorice – and, later, morphine.


                        JACKSON’s ASTHMATIC CANDY
        The superior efficacy of JACKSON’s ASTHMATIC
        CANDY, in complaints of the stomach and lungs, ari-
sing from indigestion and flatulency, has been ascertained by the
experience of several years. Its peculiar success in Coughs and
Colds, and in alleviating the most alarming complaints inci-
dent to persons of gouty, relaxed, or asthmatic habit, (which
complaints are more particularly prevalent in the foggy and
damp season of the winter months) is now universally ac-
knowledged; and, considering it as a medicine in general use,
it would have been unnecessary for the proprietor to have
repeated his advertisement so often, had not some persons
lately obtruded upon the public, in a spurious medicine under
the same name.
It becomes, therefore, necessary to offer this caution, by re-
spectfully informing the Public, that the genuine Medicine is
signed on the stamp by J. BARCLAY, the sole proprietor, and
may be had as usual, at No. 95, Fleet Market, London, five
doors from Fleet Street, in boxes at 2s. 6d. and 1s. 1½d. each,
stamp duty included.
It may also be had, by appointment of the Proprietor, of
                      R. SCOTT, APOTHECARY,
                WATSON & CO. AND J BAXTER,
                       South Bridge, Edinburgh;
Mackintosh & Co. Inverness                   W. Anderson, Stirling
R. Morrison & Son, Perth                        A. Barry, Paisley
J. Allan, Dundee                                       E. Humble, Newcastle
J. Mennons, Glasgow                              F. Jolly, Carlisle
And by one or more reputable shopkeepers in most towns
                                 of the kingdom.
                       Also may be had as above
fallible cure in thirty-six hours—Jackson’s Patent Tincture
for the Rheumatism, Gravel, Stone, Bruises, Sprains &c.—
Jackson’s British Tooth Powder—Jackson’s celebrated Corn
Salve—Waite’s Genuine Worm Nuts, by Howard and E-
vans, &c.


Source: The Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh) Thursday 16 Jan 1800

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