Keating's Cough Lozenges

A 1s 1½d tin contained 50 lozenges, and the recommended dose was one or two lozenges at bedtime and up to 10 during the course of the day. The ingredients were morphine, ipecacuanha, extract of licorice, and sugar, held together by tragacanth gum.


“94, Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12, 1889.
      “Dear Sir,— I  am  a  poor  hand  at  expressing  my
feelings,    but    I   should   like   to   thank   you.   Your
lozenges have  done  wonders  in  relieving  my  terrible
cough.  Since  I  had   the   operation   of   ‘Tracheotomy’
(the same as the late Emperor of Germany,  and  unlike
him,   thank   God,   I   am   still  alive)  performed  at  St.
Bartholomew’s  Hospital,  no  one  could  possibly  have
had  a  more  violent  cough;  it was so bad at times that
it   quite   exhausted  me.  The  mucus,  which  was  very
copious and hard, had been softened, and I have  been
able  to   get   rid   of   it   without   difficulty. — I am,   sir,
yours truly, J. HILL.
                           UTTERLY UNRIVALLED.
     The  above  speaks  for  itself.  From  strict  inquiry  it
appears  that the  benefit  from  using  Keating’s  Cough
Lozenges is understated. The operation was a specially
severe one, and  was  performed  by  the  specialist,  Dr.
H.  T.   Butlin,   of   St.   Bartholomew’s   Hospital.   Since
the   operation   the  only  means  of  relief  is  the use
these   Lozenges.   So   successful   are   they  that  one
affords   immediate   benefit,  although  from  the  nature
of the case the throat irritation is intense.
                               WEIGHT IN GOLD.
     Under  date  Sept.  8,  Mr  Hill  writes:  “I  should  long
since have been dead but  for your Lozenges—they are
worth   their   weight  in  gold
.  I  will  gladly  see  and  tell
anyone   what   a   splendid   cough   remedy   they  are.”
    Keating’s Lozenges are sold in tins, 1s 1½d each. The
unrivalled   remedy    for    COUGHS,    HOARSENESS,

Source: The Northern Echo, Tuesday 20 March 1894

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