Kernick's Vegetable Worm Lozenges

S. P. Kernick had two main products – the worm lozenges advertised here and the “Vegetable Pills,” which were for headaches, bilious attacks and constipation. Although the medicines weren’t widely advertised beyond the Cardiff area, they were still going strong at the end of the 19th century.


                 K E R N I C K ‘ S   V E G E T A B L E
                                         WORM LOZENGES
may be  taken  by  children  of  all  ages  with  perfect safety, and are
also useful for children of delicate stomachs  and  pale  complexions.
      “SIR,—A   woman  gave  two  of  the  lozenges  for  five  mornings,
and by doing so  the  child  got  rid  of  no  less than eighty worms.—
       “W.  Harriss,  of  Cefncoed,  miner’s  child,  had  got  rid  of  140
worms in a week, whilst taking a box  of  your  worm  lozenges,  and
also has improved wonderfully in health since.”—JNO. PRICE, Cefn,
        “A customer of mine, a short time  ago,  bought   a  box  of  your
worm  lozenges  to  try  their  effect  on  his  child,  who  was  very  ill.
The   little   boy   got  rid  of  forty  large  worms  and  so  many  small
ones that they could not reckon them.”—JAMES MEYRICK.
        From Mr.  Morgan,  Pondarran.—“Send  me  12  dozen  of  your
valuable   worm   lozenges;  they  are  curing  all  the  children  in  this
                                       Prepared only by
                              DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF.
Sold in Boxes, at 1s. 1½. and 7½., by the appointed Agents, and
most respectable Chemists and Druggists.

Source: The Western Mail (Cardiff) Monday 18 December 1871

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