Wainwright's Staffordshire Cordial


Albrecht Adam,1831

Image: Kavalkade vor Schloss Heiligenberg by Allbrecht Adam, 1831


WHICH  has  been  given   with   unprecedented  success  in
the   most   dangerous   stages   of   the  Sleeping  or  Raging
Staggers,  Gripes,  Colds,  Coughs, Fevers,  and all disorders
originating in colds, or from grazing in  marshy  wet  meadows,
or after severe exercise in racing, hunting, working in coaches,
post chaises, or waggons, hard riding,  &c.  and  is  universally
acknowledged  to  be  the  greatest  restorative  to  exhausted
nature, and  the  most  valuable  horse  medicine  ever  known.
   Mr.  NEWMAN,  of   the  Green  Man  Inn,  Barnet,  near Lon-
don, one of the principal Posting Houses  on  the  Great  North
Road,  has  authorised   the   Proprietor  to  inform  the  Public,
that he has used the above medicine for several years  among
his own Horses with such complete success, that he feels him-
self warranted in recommending it  to  the  Notice  of  Post and
Stage Coach Masters, Carriers, Horse Dealers, Farmers, and
all others who employ a number of  Horses,  as  the  most valu-
able thing of the kind he ever met with.
   Sold  at  the  Original  Warehouse   for   Genuine   Medicines,
No.  10,    Bow    Church    Yard,    London;   also    by    Drewry,
Pike, Derby;  and  by   all   the   principal   Country   Booksellers
and Druggists—Price 2s. 6d. the bottle.


Source: The Derby Mercury, Wednesday 27 March 1822

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